Postgraduate course in Medical Response to Major Incidents (MRMI)

Hej alla traumaengagerade!

Det finns fortfarande platser över till en katastromedicinsk utbildning 20-23 mars i Göteborg. Det är en helt interaktiv utbildning/träning där man ställs inför två scenarier med terroistattacker och hundratals skadade. Man tränar i sin egen roll som man skulle haft hemma. Dvs som sköterska på akuten, kirurg på op eller akuten, narkos på traumarummet eller IVA, ledarskap, koordinatorer, prehospitalt etc… Simuleringsövningarna föregås av förberedande utbildning och brukar vara mkt uppskattade.

Just den här kursen är speciell då det kommer ett antal personer från Paris som var involverade i förra årets terrorhändelse där.

Hoppas att det är någon av er som kan komma loss! Var god se nedan för anmälan, priser etc.

Bästa hälsningar,

Från hela fakulteten genom/Carl Montan

ps Om ni vill ha mer info hör av er till mig



Postgraduate course in Medical Response to Major Incidents (MRMI) combined with instructor training

Organized in collaboration between the European Society for Trauma & Emergency

Surgery (ESTES), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Center, Gothenburg and the

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Time: March 21-23, 2017 (Instructor training March 20- 23)

Location: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Center, Gothenburg

Chairman, MRMI faculty: Prof. Sten Lennquist, Sweden

Chairman, local organizing committee: Associate Prof. Amir Khorram-Manesh, Sweden

Design of the course

The course is based on an advanced simulation model (, training the whole chain of

response: Scene, transport, hospitals, coordination & command, including also training in triage and

individual patient-management and with participation of collaborating agencies like rescue service, police

and protection agencies. It is totally interactive, starting with one day of preparative training in groups,

followed by two full days of simulation exercises with all participants active in their normal positions and

with careful evaluation and analysis of the result of the response.

This requires a distribution of participants in accordance with the roles during the simulation exercise.

In the standardized application form, the applicant has to indicate his/her preference and competence for

the different roles and this may be used in the composition of participants.


Accommodation is not included in the course fee but a list of available hotels on walking distance to the

course venue, including low-price alternatives can be provided by the organizer.

Course fees, including taxes (Members of ESTES 10% discount) € (Euro)

Nurses, paramedics and ambulance staff:

Basic course 3 full days including lunches but not accommodation 525

Officers in fire-, rescue-, police- and protection services

Basic course 3 full days including lunches but not accommodation 525

Doctors and administrative staff:

Basic course 3 full days including lunches but not accommodation 650

Instructor Candidates

Basic course 4 full days including lunches but not accommodation 650

Application/More information

Application´s form and more information at:


Deadline for application: December 15, 2017. Number of participants limited. Please note that the

course fee must be paid together with the application on Thursday 15th December. Unpaid application

will not be accepted after the deadline.


Carl Montán M.D, PhD

Dept Vascular Surgery

Karolinska University Hospital

SE-171 76 Stockholm


Phone: Int+46 8 517 740 58

Private: Int+46 708 58 34 68

Fax:    Int+468-51776642
